Saturday, June 12, 2010

Something Truly Heinous

While writing and browsing the internet (mostly browsing the internet) I discovered a black hole of banality that will forever plague my existence. Be warned, for once I speak of this, the knowledge will have taken root in your mind, and its vile roots will germinate into a disgusting toxin that will destroy you.

There is a sequel to The Secret of Nimh. No, I'm not talking about the book, I'm talking about the 1982 Don Bluth adaptation. The animated film that is one of the most intelligent and mesmerizing achievements of animation for its time. Let me repeat that for you, there is a sequel to the Secret of Nimh. Go and grab your safety blanket if you have one. I'll save you the soul crush this evening and do a quick review for you. I saw the first 5 minutes of it and I now wish to destroy all that is good in this world. I want to stomp on kittens, shove a child's ice cream cone right in their face, and rip the wings off of butterflies. What innocence I once had has been scraped violently from me with a rusted spatula, leaving a hollow rotten husk.

There is one ray of sunshine here, despite all of Don Bluth's short comings over the years, he had zero input in this project. MGM, the studio that owns the rights to the movie made this straight to video release without any concern or appreciation for the original and did so without the consent of Mr. Bluth. Yep, it was merely a cash grab.

You're probably tempted to go look it up on youtube now, where there is video footage to be found, but please don't. For the love of all that's holy and sacred in this world, don't do it. Look into the abyss and the abyss looks back.

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