Friday, June 4, 2010

One Last Thing

The Hobbit project is officially canned. Sad days sure, but don't blame Guillermo, its not his fault. Just some complications over distribution/copy write/some corporate bull that I don't feel like going into detail over. Don't fret young viewer, there's a silver lining here, now that Guillermo is freed up he can move on to his next project. Hellboy 3 anyone?


  1. Sad news. I was looking forward to seeing the Hobbit on the big screen. Maybe sometime in the future they will come back to this one? But Hellboy 3 would be worth $15.00 to see in the movie theater.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. No Hobbit!? EEEEEEEEEEEEEE! Hellboy 3? Will there be demon babies?
