Thursday, December 23, 2010

Ravenous Winter Festival Geeky Shopping Guide. Day 21: The Cheese

Garbage day, everyone! With the holidays rapidly approaching we'll soon be buried knee deep in the fallout of the winter season. But don't throw out that trash just yet, you may unwillingly dispose of a priceless gift opportunity! For reasons far beyond my understanding, bad things are seen as golden calves amongst nerdish social circles. Whether they be intentional or unintended travesties, geeks embrace these mistakes of artistic creation with more love and affection than should be legally allowed.

So forget about all the new Oscar worthy films and the games that are getting all the rave reviews. Go dig yourself up a 20 year old gem that should not have even seen the first signs of daylight and pass on the shiny new product proudly displayed on current store shelves. Much like a fine wine or cheese these things take time and a refined sense of taste to see them for what they truly are. Garbage; but garbage that deserves some appreciation.

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