Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Ravenous Winter Festival Geeky Shopping Guide. Day 8: First Aid

Believe it or not, but the life style of us meek and obsessive types has a lot of potential health hazards. From Carparl tunnel to scoliosis, it's a wonder how we survive at all. To keep your friends up and running like the little computers that they are, you need to do a bit of scheduled maintenance once in a while, otherwise you'll be throwing them away in a matter of months for some brand new top-of-the-line model. So here's some suggestions on how to keep your nerd a well oiled machine for years to come (not that they need any oiling since most of them probably have plenty of lubricant located somewhere near their computer. Just sayin').

Most of their hobbies from watching movies, reading books, listening to music, or painting miniatures are done while sitting down, a comfortable chair would be a nice upgrade from that rotted old apple crate they've been resting upon. Do they do a lot of reading? Why not get them a nice reading light? Eye sight is very important to many of them so think of ways to help them see without the need to strain their vision, this may extend beyond the simple gift of a new light source. A comfortable set of headphones is probably a step in the right direction for your music lover. Those painfully cheap ear buds make it feel like your ear canal was recently molested by your ipad once you take them out. Honestly, this list is pretty much endless and while I could go on listing more gift ideas I think you can figure it out from here. This is a gift they may not appreciate at first, but after a week's time they will be singing your praise for the preventative measures put in place to battle the many crippling side effects of leading the fanatical life.

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