Friday, August 6, 2010

Favorite Fights: The Guy Ritchie Fight.


Admittedly, this is cheap. But what can I say? This is what fighting is all about. Guy Ritchie is an unusual director and has made his share of bad films, but when he hits the mark he does so in a very big way.

When he first burst onto the scene many people compared him to Quentin Tarantino for good reason and in many ways this has been his curse. Ritchie’s movies are all about clever word play and fast edits, but below the surface they are about as shallow as a kiddy pool. Despite his broken record approach to film making there is one element to his craft that I don’t mind seeing over and over again and that’s the bare knuckle boxing.

I’m not sure what it is about these sequences but they’re a lot of fun. Perhaps it’s some sort of deeply rooted homo eroticism that entices men into watching these things but for reasons unknown to me the spectacle of two men throwing haymakers at one another in slow motion as their flesh ripples from the force of each impact is strangely satisfying. And yes, I realize how strange that last sentence sounds but I’m going to roll with it anyways.

There is no explanation to this, it’s just cool. These are some of the manliest fights to hit celluloid and each one of them will be replaying in your mind hours after the movie ends.

Again, this one doesn’t have a lot going for it, but some things in life are best left a mystery.

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