Thursday, August 19, 2010

Fashionably Late Reviews: "Hot Tub Time Machine"

A group of men are fast approaching their mid-life crisis. Coming to the painful realization that their lives are an endless droning of failures, self-loathing, and inevitable loneliness they get back together to spend a weekend partying at a ski resort where they spent some of their childhood. While enjoying a few drinks and the company of a few prostitutes in a hot tub, some faulty wiring and a wholesome dose of pseudo science sends them hurling back in time to the year 1986, which also happens to be the most pivotal time of their entire lives, one that would herald the future events to come unless they alter the space time continuum. If this plot intrigues you then you are clearly a fan of 1980’s comedies. Congratulations, drink the Cool-Aid and come aboard!

“Hot Tub Time Machine” is not so much a parody of the ‘80’s as it is a complete throwback to the sensibility of movies from that era. If you consider “Weird Science” and “Revenge of the Nerds” two of the greatest examples of cinematic hilarity then you are in luck because “Hot Tub Time Machine” was written for you!

There isn’t a whole lot to talk about here since reviewing comedies tends to lead to a lot of spoilers, so instead I’ll say this: see the friggin’ movie! I’m sitting here kicking myself for not watching it while it was still in theaters, although in my defense I tried but never got around to it. The jokes here are clever, gross, lude, and will go anywhere for a laugh, just the way I like it. Best of all, the movie doesn’t even stop to take a breather, once the hot tub kicks into play and the cast is hurled back in time it’s basically nonstop laughs until the credits start crawling.

This one goes highly recommended for all you ‘80s fans out there. Even if you don’t like the ‘80’s I still suggest you see this film, hell even if you despise the ‘80s you might as well see it since the better part of the movie is poking fun at the culture. Go ahead and grab a brew, call up some friends, and have a great time as you reminisce about the greatest decade of the 20th century.

Depeche Mode rules!

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