Sunday, October 3, 2010

Blue Bomber in the Distance

Unlike many other hardcore gamers I don't have much claim to fame. While I'm definitely a good player, I am in no way a phenomenal one. If I practice hard enough I can take down some of the heavy weights like "Battletoads" but in general I have no natural talent that would put me up there with the legends of platform gaming (If such a group even exists).

However, the one series I can honestly say I'm damn good at is "Mega Man". These were some of the first games I can recall playing and as a result I become somewhat of a zen master. To me these games consumed a large part of my childhood and have sculpted me into the blue bomber loving adult that I am today. So when I heard that Capcom was announcing a "Mega Man Online" game as well as something called "Mega Man Universe" that encapsulates almost all the classic experience into one open-ended game, I nearly feinted. I felt it was good enough that Capcom had given me brand spankin' new Mega Man classic titles for download on our current generation consoles, but this raised the bar a few notches. There was demand once again to see our favorite tiny robot, and Capcom wasn't going to sit idly by and let the opportunity to milk a franchise pass them by. These new games were just the beginning.

Recently Capcom announced that they will be developing the long awaited "Mega Man Legends 3" project for Nintendo's 3D handheld console, the 3DS. Some of you out there may not understand how amazing this is for me, so let me give you a brief history.

"Mega Man Legends" was the first game in the series to bring the Astro Boy clone into the gorgeous realm of a third dimension. The game had fun characters, an interesting story, and excellent gameplay (Quiet, you naysayers!). A few years later they made a sequel which was better in every way possible. However, the second entry ended in a cliff hanger that was never resolved. Fans waited patiently for a follow-up but never received one. Oh, and did I mention that "Mega Man Legends 2" was released back in 1999!?

Eleven years we have been waiting! Over a decade we have desperately clung to the illusion that maybe we would get some kind of wrap up to the story. As the years passed, many of us gave up hope.

Thankfully, the gaming gods are blessing us with the game that should have been. As an adult I am just as thrilled at this announcement as I would have been as a child (perhaps more so) and with all the other Mega Man titles in the works, it looks like there is still a lot of love in the gamer community's collective heart to demand more Mega Man properties and continue his nonstop dominion over all gaming territories alongside Mario.

Come to think about it, if they are making a new Legends title, could we possibly see another "Breath of Fire" somewhere down the road?

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