Wednesday, September 15, 2010

A Subtle Observation on Snow

I don't know whether this applies to film, but to any gamers out there reading, have you ever noticed that snowy areas of video games tend to have the most memorable music? Seriously, each snow capped area has some sort of resonating quality to them; almost as if the composers gave a little bit more love and detail to that particular score.

Snow levels or snow areas tend to have a haunting orchestral score with eerie vocals. They're usually slow and methodical yet powerfully dormant in their rhythmic strength. Does the imagery of death associated with winter bring about the sombre emotions of peace and ease of mind? Is it the blanketed cold snow that covers everything in a peaceful ubiquitous shade of white that seems to calm the world?

Maybe I'm bias, maybe I just like winter a little too much. Either way, it's just a thought. Still, I can't help but feel there's a connection somewhere. Winter stirs up some powerful emotions and I think this theory applies to movies as well. You, the audience tell me. Watch a movie with memorable scenes involving snow. What is the music like? What is the emotion that is being conveyed to the viewer? I promise you that whatever song is playing in that scene will be the one that gets caught in your head long after the credits finish rolling.

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